There are things beyond our control, even when we have prepared well and studied every detail in such obsessive compulsiveness. Perhaps frustration springs from high expectations from oneself and overconfidence.
This truth I have to accept: My God is greater than all the experts' powers combined. After all, the talents we possess are from Him. I worked with really great professionals in the events field and yet, in just one snap, everything turned out different from what I envisioned it to be.
I learned it the hard way. I was made to realize this fact in a way that I'd really dwell on the frustration, with guilt hitting me for hurting some people along the way. Maybe I've gone overboard. I have been so focused on excellence in my output that I forgot that the best way to proclaim His greatness is through the kind of relationship I had with my team. Did I become Christ to them during the event? Or was I the wicked little devil manning the booth with my dirty hands and heart?
With this, I am deeply sorry. I may have the best intentions, or the most qualified reasons but the way I had behaved is not excusable. I just pray that someday, these people I've hurt will realize that I don't intend to demean them. Those fits are pure work.
How does the Great God enter the picture? It is when I realized I was wrong, I know I can still make up for those transgressions. After all, my God is a God of second chances. I may not handle the same event and the same team again but I know I can still channel Christ through my daily activities, words, thoughts and deeds.
Also, I was made to realize that God was in my life all along though the bountiful blessings He has showered me. I was taken out of my comfort zone to realize that I was richly blessed with a comfortable life, a good career, sets of great friends, a supportive family and a well-provided life. Now with this experience, I begin to appreciate the life in front of me deeper and thus, I need to share more with the people around me.
And because I have a Great God, I know that tomorrow will be a better day. I need not look back.