What I really want for Christmas


Friday, November 5, 2010

Since it’s only fifty days to go before Christmas, I’m helping you with your shopping list in case you’d like to give me a gift (so egocentric, hehe)

Euro tour from the generous you!

If you just won the 300M lotto
- A house and lot in a posh QC village a few minutes away from where I work
- A yellow beetle convertible
- A Europe trip, all expenses paid (including visa processing)
- VIP tickets to this season’s Broadway shows

Posh gifts from co-Altas

If you just feel like a thrifty Alta
- a new Blackberry smartphone
- Chevy aveo sedan in lime green
- a cool pair of pink Nike trainers
- original iPod earphones
- a macbook pro loaded with useful apps
- Shu Uemura make-up and brush set for pros
- an antique Germany-made violin with authentic horse-hair bow
- a happy Christmas party for the Sagip kids

fab gifts for a fashionista
If your budget is about a thousand bucks
- Fruits and Passion Grapefruit fragrance set
- Nina Garcia’s Little Black Book of Style
- iPod wall charger
- Altec Lansing speakers
- A citrus colored comforter and pillowcase set
- The Face Shop Ecovert facial care set
- Mac Hello Kitty make-up
- Bath and Body Works Pink Grapefruit cologne and lotion
- Body Shop lip and cheek tint
- Suesh make-up brush set
- Pirastro olive rosin
- A cute Persian cat
- A spa GC

 If the budget is around P100 – P500
- Companion Catholic Scripture journal
- Belle de Jour 2011 planner
- any Sophie Kinsella novel (except the Shopaholic series)
- any book written by Jodi Picoult, Audrey Niffenegger or Amy Tan
- A Jordi Labanda notebook
- A set of Dong-A color pens
- A sweet dress (I’m not choosy, it’s ok if it’s from a tiangge)
- Body Shop Strawberry body butter
- Chocolates
- Maybelline Hello Kitty mascara

Below P100
- Whatever you feel like giving is ok. As long as it comes from the heart
- Photoframes and scrapbook materials
- Flat Tops chocolates
- A pastel-colored nail polish from The Face Shop
- Cutesy stationeries and Post-its
- Careline eyeshadow
- Nichido Girls Night Out eyeliner in green or silver
- Stylish accessories that spell DIVA
- Arts and crafts materials
- Tiangge tank tops
- 2011 desk calendar
- Cute sleepwear from Divisoria
- Pillowcases
- Face towels
- Crayons and coloring books
Pinoy Christmas celebration is the best in the world
Lasting and Priceless gifts
- A warm hug on cold days
- A greeting card with your heartfelt Christmas message
- Hearing your voice singing me Christmas carols
- Going to dawn Mass with you
- Your constant prayers
- Attending UST’s Paskuhan. This year should be grand because of the Quadricentennial celebration
- A personalized text message
- Eating puto bumbong and Bibingka while walking me home
- Christmas shopping with me (read: bazaar-hopping)
- Kite-flying while waiting for the fireworks display
- Sitting next to me in the Christmas Mass
- Spending a hearty Noche Buena or Christmas lunch together
- Seeing old friends, nostalgic conversations over coffee
- Videoke until dawn, belting out happy songs (no more I Will Survive and Alone, please)
- A week of Christmas break from work. (paging: my bosses!)

So, have you decided which gift to give? :)
Cheap thrills

Stylish gifts


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